2. Breakfast

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Synthia was a fickle kitsu. Sometimes, getting them to eat breakfast of her own accord was a trying endeavor. Syn just couldn't be bothered with the act of cooking for themselves, only to sit down at a table with two chairs, yet only one of them was being filled. She couldn't very well bring in her lallabaa to the front table, since Syn often ate meat - fyrefowl typically, but she didn't want to consider what sort of horrible mental challenges her lallabaa might go through, to see their caretaker consuming the flesh of another formally sentient creature. Syn had fyrefowl of her very own... those who didn't produce eggs on a regular basis found themselves as a roasted meal - tasty on the tongue, but an age to cook and while Syn COULD do the messy bits, on most days, she really preferred not to. 

So, when she felt as though she were more inclined to be a kitsu on the go, she went out first and decided what to eat later. It could be anything, really. Grasses were common - even though eating a pawful of grass in front of other, more civilized kitsusagi was embarrassing. They didn't taste bad, the grasses. If anything, it made her feel more connected to her livestock as her lallabaa would often graze on such grasses as these. Her fyrefowl, too had become fond of pecking at the fresh, sweet, green grasses of the ground. Syn was happy to have fertile ground that could feed her livestock and, embarrasment or not, that could feed her too. 

She wasn't much of a farmer so much as a forrager. She'd strip the bark off of trees and joke to passerby that it was vegetable jerky. She'd gross out the kits of the community by eating worms and exclaiming what good protein they were, watching in a mischievous delight at the squeals of the youngsters of Silverlight. 

If it was a thing made of plant or livestock or bug, Synthia would see it as an opportunity for food. Taste was always secondary to survival, at least on those on those "on the go" days of her life. 

Today was not quite either one. Synthia felt restless enough that the idea of cooking caused a thick air of displeasure around her, setting her tails to flicking with frustration. However, the idea of picking something up off the ground and eating it on the way to wherever she set her sights on in that moment sounded equally dreadful. She didn't want to cook and she didn't want to forage for herself. So instead, she took a walk and tried to pester others in Silverlight about her passing thought. 

"I want to be able fo go get breakfast, from someone else, in the mornings! The mornings are so hard to get through, even if you have to wake up for chores. I want to have something to look forward to when I start my day! I... I think I just thought of a new shop to open." And with that, she hustled off to try and find someone more productive who could listen to her on her newest and perhaps most ingenious of ideas.

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2. Breakfast
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By belloblossom

In which Synthia makes do with what she's got for her morning meal. 

(WC: 533)

Submitted By belloblossom
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 11 months ago

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