18. Cold day

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Jaden hurried inside and closed the door quickly behind themself, shaking their whole body, snapping their tri-tails, and hurrying away from the door, in towards the kitchen.

"It is cold out there," they announced, gladly accepting the mug of hot tea from Vervain's hands. "Thanks."

"How were all the animals?" Ver asked, only a little concerned. "Of course."

"Mmm," Jaden swallowed a large mouthful of tea before answering, wrapping their paws more tightly around the mug. "Everyone's doing just fine. Some of the baa didn't even want to go into the barn, so you know with their thick wool, they're not even feeling this chill."

"And the fowl?"

"Everyone was still inside their coops. I made sure they've all got food and fresh water, thick layers of straw on the floor. Closed up their doors and windows. They'll all be fine until we can see to them tomorrow, and in the one in a million chance we get any snow, they're still gonna be okay."

"Thank you." Vervain hummed. 

"In town, everyone was saying how no one can remember there ever being snow in Silverlight, no matter how chilly it got. 'Cept on the tallest mountain tops."

Vervain came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with bowls of soup and bread fresh from the oven, they had the thick quilt from the bedroom wrapped around their shoulders. With Jaden's help they settled on the woolen rug in front of the fireplace. Then opened the wrapped quilt letting Jaden inside to share warmth. "I just worry."

Jaden sat close, one tail wrapped around Vervain from behind, the other two in their laps, Ver's soft and cloudy tail curled tight and close to their body. Like this, Jaden didn't think the cold was so bad anymore. They were contently warm, but Vervain still shivered now and then, adjusting the quilt, tucking their tail around their feet.

The terrestrial picked up one of the bowls of soup and put it into Vervain's hands.

"Eat. It'll warm you up the best."

Vervain gave Jaden a sheepish smile, but accepted the bowl of soup, bringing a spoonful to their lips and blowing softly across the surface. "Didn't I just tell you that this morning?"

"I never said it was bad advice." Jaden gave a cheeky grin and popped a chunk of crusty bread into their mouth. A happy sound escaped them as they chewed slowly. "I thought all the herbs died back, but I taste thyme, and sage?"

"Mmhm. I saved what I could and dried it. Some of the plants I'll have to start over from seed, but the others will come back in the spring."

"Thank you, I know you like sweet bread better."

"Mn, no, thank you, you did the bulk of the chores outside today, letting me stay in the kitchen with the oven. You deserve it. Anyway, I can make sweet bread whenever."

"Soup's really, really good too. We grew all these veggies together," Jaden savored a big piece of carrot that practically melted on their tongue.

"We should grow even more next year."

(WC: 516)

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18. Cold day
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By Kittie

Autumn Seasonal Art #18. Cold day

It's an especially cold day at the end of autumn, Jaden and Vervain make the best of it.

Submitted By Kittie
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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