13. Costume Party

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When the festival festivities were at their height, an eclectic group of kitsu brought out some musical instruments and makeshift instruments, and music was played. An emcee took center stage and began to make jokes and sing traditional seasonal songs, riling up and then mellowing out the crowd in turn. When they had caught most of the crowd's attention, and most of the kitsu were gathered near, couples and little groups broke out into dancing. Some, like Vervain sang along, and some like Jaden preferred to listen. The terrestrial did get up and dance for a little while, trying to coax Vervain, but to no avail. All the running around they had done earlier with the ninja and pirate mock battle and trick or treating had tired them out and now they were soon running out of steam.

Before it got too late, (there were already a few yawns here and there among the crowd, mostly the youngest and the oldest kitsu), the emcee hushed the gathered and announced that there had been a secret judging. The emcee began to point out interesting costumes among the gathered kitsu. Some had worn what seemed to be costumes entirely their own creation, while others had mixed and matched from among the fun, new wares at Sweetie's Tooth, and others still embellished upon the costumes. Special mention was given to the witch hatted pirate crew. Of course the emcee didn't fail to compliment the well behaved livestock gathered among the kitsu. Making jokes and teasing the kitsu in wooly plush or colorful feathered costumes. Pointing out particularly nice or rare colorations, as well as those that had added real feathers or wool for that extra special touch.

It seemed that the emcee had something nice to say to just about everyone among the gathered. For Jaden they made a quip about color matching and hiding in plain sight, and as for Vervain, the emcee complimented their lovely scarf. Vervain, not holding back for a moment, threw the compliment to Jaden, announcing that it was a gift and the terrestrial had made it for them. Then there were some little special prizes that were handed out to those that had taken extra steps to make their costumes really shine. 

Things began to wind down for the evening. The emcee stuck around, singing some gentle autumn season songs. Taking requests and getting the kits that weren't too tired to sing along, teaching the ones that didn't know the lyrics along the way.  

When it got late, and all of the food had been cleared from the buffet tables, and all of the sweets and treats had been handed out, or eaten up, families were packing up their things and heading home. Vervain turned to Jaden, and was just about to ask them if they wanted to head home as well, but paused for a moment, allowing Jaden to finish their wide yawn uninterrupted.

Vervain need not ask at that point, Jaden took their hand, and tipped their head toward home. Vervain nodded.

(WC: 507)

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13. Costume Party
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By Kittie

Autumn Seasonal Art #13. Costume Party

Vervain and Jaden  enjoy the even in costume.

Submitted By Kittie
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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