31. What they are thankful for

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"Jaden, are you still awake?"

Vervain stepped into the bedroom, voice soft, just in case Jaden was asleep.

The terrestrial was flopped out on the bed, part of their costume still on, the rest in a heap on the floor.

The celestial paced over quietly, guessing the answer, when Jaden didn't reply.

After another moment Jaden yawned and rubbed at their eyes. "Oh, no. I'm definitely sleeping."

Vervain giggled, picking up the discarded costume pieces and folding them over a chair.

"That's alright, you've been so busy. Get some rest."

Jaden made a little noise of assent, Vervain helped them out of the rest of their costume and tucked them beneath the quilt.

Still awake and feeling restless, Vervain did some quiet busy work around the house, first hanging up both of their costumes, putting away things that had been left scattered while they had both been busy with seasonal activities.

Some of those things was the basketful of yarn scraps and other tools that Vervain had been using to make knotted bracelets. The basket was returned to its spot in the workroom. Vervain took one more tour of the house before heading upstairs for the night. Making sure all the windows were closed and the door secure.

They crawled beneath the quilt and settled in for the night.

Tomorrow. They promised themself.


The next morning, Vervain woke much later than usual for them, the sun was already above the horizon. They stretched beneath the covers, then tossed the quilt aside getting up and going about their usual morning routine. Stopping at their little shrine to Goddess Eva, Vervain sat, legs tucked beneath themself, and spent a few minutes in quiet meditation, giving thanks, centering themself for the day ahead.

They head downstairs, and were surprised to find Jaden already in the kitchen. Vervain hadn't even noticed that the terrestrial wasn't still in bed, they must have still been sleepier than they thought.

"Ah, good morning, Jaden!"

"Mornin', Ver." Jaden glanced up from stirring oatmeal in a pot, smiling.

"Thanks for starting breakfast, and sorry, I guess I slept in."

"No worries, Ver, you always get up so early, and do most of the cooking and everything. I don't mind doing it sometimes!"

"I'll go and feed the-"

"Already let the fowl, the duckies and the baas out to graze."

"Oh." Vervain slid into a chair, Jaden brought them over a mug of their favorite tea. "Thank you."

Vervain blew on their tea. The table was already set with bowls and egg cups. "Can I do anything?"

"It's really fine, Ver," Jaden shook their head, bringing over the pot of oatmeal and filling both bowls. Next they got the eggs, the little bottle of syrup from the cupboard, before sitting across from Vervain.

"I like when we work together, it feels a little weird, having you do everything like this." Vervain admitted, hands clasped in their lap.

"I guess I didn't think of it like that," Jaden admitted, "I like it best when we work together too. I just, I guess, since I went to bed earlier last night, and I woke up early, so I thought I'd do something nice."

"I do appreciate it!" Vervain was quick to add.

Jaden's smile was sheepish. "I know you do, Ver."

"Um, on that note. I have something for you." Vervain hopped up from their seat and quickly retreated, only to return a moment later, hands clasped to their chest.

"It's just, a little gift. I wanted something to say thank you, for always being there, working beside me, helping all the time." Vervain held out their hands.

"Oh." Jaden held out their own, and smiled widely when Vervain released the knotted yarn bracelet into their palms.

"I know it's, well, it's made with yarn you made and all…"

"It's beautiful, Ver. Will you tie it on my wrist for me?"

Vervain nodded and set about knotting the loose yarn ends.

"The same goes for you, you know? I'm happy everyday working with you, being here," Jaden said. "You do more than you think you do, Ver." Jaden pulled their arm back to admire the knotwork of the bracelet more closely, it was so well done. Vervain had been practicing a lot, between everything else they did.

"I don't-"

"You do!" Jaden insisted, smiling widely. "This is really beautiful. I'll treasure it, like our friendship."

"Thanks. You too, Jaden. I treasure you, too."

(WC: 741)

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31. What they are thankful for
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By Kittie

Autumn Seasonal Art #31. What they are thankful for


Submitted By Kittie
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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