Cal hugging her mom

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Calfuray was excited to see her mother!  She had grown up and found herself a job and her own place but that didn't affect how much she loved the Kitsu who had adopted and raised her as her own.  The Imperial was practically skipping, her hooves clicking on the ground creating a noise she hummed along to.  She had picked up a couple gifts as well nothing extravagant just some small things that she thought her mom would like all just barely stuffed in a basket she was carrying.  At her side was her just as excited Pugfish, Bubbly, ready to get the treats Fantasia always had ready for him.  He ran in and out of Cal's legs, barking and jumping as he recognized the path and even he knew they were getting close.  Cal was walking faster as well, she couldn't wait to give her mom the gifts and to just enjoy the lunch they had planned.  Once the pair were in her mom's yard they head a *baaa* that had Cal cooing at the familiar Lallabaa she had loved growing up.  The light yellow one that seemed to sparkle, which had always been her favorite of all the livestock animals her mother owned, ran up to her and gently headbutted the Imperial's knee in a playful action.  Bubbly gave a bark and the Lallabaa just bleated in response to the smaller creature.  Cal laughed and patted her Pugfish's head before giving the Lallabaa an affectionate scratch behind the ear.  Another happy sounding *baa* from the fluffy creature before Cal stood back up and bee lined for the door.  She didn't even hesitate, this was her first home even though she had her own now that didn't change the fact that this would always be home, so she walked right in.

"Moooom!" She called, her voice filled with excitement.  She set the basket on the table as she walked into the living room.

"Cal!  I was wondering when you would get here." The brightly colored Kitsu smiled, coming into the room and smiling widely at her daughter. 

"Mom!" She yelped, running over and throwing her arms around the older Kitsu.  Her mom returned the hug and they stayed like that for a few seconds longer than usual.  "I missed you!" Cal practically cried, this was her first visit home since she had moved out and she was feeling extra emotional. 

"I missed you too dear." Fantasia reassured, gently patting her daughter's head. 

They finally broke the hug and Cal perked up, turning to grab the basket of goodies and handed them to her mom.  Fantasia shook her head with a smile and pulled the items out, offering her thanks with excitement that made Cal feel pleased to know she had found some gifts her mom was excited for.  Bubbly waited as patiently as he could but when Fantasia had opened everything he couldn't wait any more and let out the most pitiful whine he could manage.

"Oh my, Bubs did I forget to give you your treats?" Fantasia acted surprised, earning a yip from the pup.  She chuckled and pulled the container on the table closer to her and opened it grabbing a small treat and tossing it out to the Pugfish.  He yipped again and jumped, snatching the treat out of the air and wagging his tail, causing his whole back end to wiggle back and forth.  Cal giggled at her pup, he was so cute and easily excited.  Bubbly finished the treat and went to sit at Fantasia's feet, staring up at her with another whine.  A laugh from the pair of Kitsu and another treat was tossed out to him.

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Cal hugging her mom
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By BittersweetContradiction
  • Prompt: Hugging someone they care about
  • Kitsu: Calfuray
  • WC: 614

Submitted By BittersweetContradiction
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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[Cal hugging her mom by BittersweetContradiction (Literature)](


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