Spring Cleaning

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Saba was at her home which she had built up into a small cottage, she had her garden, she had her little coop and now she had a Meloduckie and a Lallabaa to keep her company. They also kept her busy, it was spring cleaning time and she had a lot of work to do. She went to clean the coop, cleaning out the bedding. Then she brought fresh bedding in she looked at her Meloduckie who she hadn't named yet. She tried to think of a name but nothing had come to her so far. She instead gave them fresh food and water. 
Then she went to take care of her lallabaa she cleaned up the little make shift pen she had made for them, she would likely need to bring both her pets in during the winter months she didn't think either of them would be warm enough out here. Perhaps she needed a barn, but that would be quiet the undertaking. She took the time to brush her lallabaa to keep their coat healthy and clean. She then made sure they had fresh food and water. Giving them fresh spring vegetables she had grown in her little garden. 
Once she was done taking care of her pets, it was time for her to weed her garden, she was kinda avoiding cleaning her little cottage for whatever reason. She didn't really know why she wanted to leave it for last, perhaps so she would be done with the outside chores. She pulled up the weeds in her garden and put them in a compost pile off to the side of her little cottage behind her garden.  Once Sabe could find nothing more to do outside she finally turned to working inside. She took a bucket and went to a little stream where she could get water to clean this with. 
She wiped off her small table and wiped down the chairs as well. She then took her bedding outside so she could shake it out, wash it in the stream and hang it to dry on a line she put up. Spring cleaning was so much work, she sighed deeply, perhaps it would have been more fun if she had someone to do it with but she didn't right now. She went and grabbed her broom and started sweeping her cottage floor. Sweeping all the dust and dirt outside. She then took the same broom and rid her cottage of the cobwebs hiding up in the corners of the cottage. She had all her shutters open so the spring breeze could blow through the little cottage. It wasn't much just one room where she had her little table and her bed. Still, Sabe had built it herself and she had worked really hard on it. So she was very proud of what she had created. Once everything was dry on the line Sabe put her bed back together and then she went to the stream to get some water to drink, pleased with everything she had gotten done. 
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Spring Cleaning
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By MiddyGlow
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Submitted By MiddyGlow
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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