When Fia tries to read

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Fia had been spending most of the morning attempting to read a book. It had sounded interesting and the cover art was certainly eye catching but in the entire time they had been trying to get through it they had only made it about twelve pages in which was frustrating them immensely and of course the frustration they were feeling was making it even harder to focus on the words. What, some may wonder, was causing this poor Infernal so much annoyance as they tried to do something as calm and mundane as read their book? Well, the answer to that is surprisingly simple, their biting spirit who felt that the day was not meant to be wasted sitting at home reading. Fia could sit and find something simple to do all day and be content, and usually their spirit was content to do the same but some days it got a wild hair and needed to go out and do something, explore somewhere, anything besides just sitting in their house being still and quite. So days like that ended up starting off how this one was going, with Fia desperately wanting to do one thing and their spirit refusing to cooperate until finally they would give in. Which was happening now. With an extremely annoyed huff Fia closed the book, not even bothering to mark their page as they knew it would be better to just start over later. They couldn't even remember what they had read at this point after all.
"Fine fine you obnoxious creature." They sighed, and rolled their eyes at how pleased the biting spirit seemed to look at having gotten it's way finally. It never seemed to mind when Fia called it obnoxious or anything alike, it actually took it as a sign of affection and gave Fia a gentle nuzzle. They didn't mean to, but still a smile formed on their lips. "I know. What do you say we go get lunch? Then maybe go to the beach?" Fia offered and the spirit excitedly nodded it's agreement. So they went out the door, Fia didn't notice the spirit grabbing the book they had put down and bringing it with them. After all the spirit just wanted to be outside and loved the beach, surely Fia could read at the beach it reasoned, happily going along with it's friend.
Fia stopped and got some sandwiches and fresh fruit for the beach, then headed out to enjoy the warm and pretty day. It didn't take too long to to get there and find a nice spot to settle in for a bit. As Fia got comfy and began unwrapping the sandwiches they felt something drop on their lap. A heavy sigh escaped their lips, torn between annoyance and amusement, as they realized it was their book. Apparently their spirit felt they needed some sunshine while they read. Ah well, they couldn't really complain after all it was a pretty day and who didn't love the smell of the ocean water and the sound of the waves?

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When Fia tries to read
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By BittersweetContradiction

Prompt: Read a Book
Kitsu: Fia
WC: 511

Submitted By BittersweetContradiction
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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