Submission (#1045) Approved

5 July 2023, 15:29:49 CDT (1 year ago)
5 July 2023, 18:13:48 CDT (1 year ago) by Zakiax
The smell of grass was the first noticeable sensation. Then there was the soft cold chill of the night that seeped in through her fur. Eventually she realized she was laying on the ground with her back wedged at an awkward angle. Stretching out slowly Luin opened her eyes to gauze at the stars above. It was a deep darkness of the night sky that greeted her. Home. That was her first thought but she always felt at home when she saw the stars. Sitting up she started to move her limbs and wake them up as wel­l as­ look around.

Around her she saw there were several houses at least if the lanterns illuminating the doors could be believed. She was just off a path in a patch of grass. Sounds of laughter were coming from a night market and several larger buildings she could see several lanterns lit as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She couldn’t see to much in the dark areas she glanced in. That would have to wait until daytime. Getting up she felt a bit strange as though she were slightly off balance. But the feeling passed quickly with a few steps. Blinking several times she rubbed her face and headed toward a brightly lit building.

Reaching the larger building she leaned against the side of it. It was cool to the touch against her fur which felt nice. There was large stones knit together on the part of the foundation she was leaning which she felt would make a lovely face during the day but tonight it was a welcome support. Running her paw over the facing she slowly moved toward the door. It was a bar of some kind. Sliding in she quietly looked around. She would need a safe place to sleep. Perhaps if the place was busy enough she could creep into a corner and hide and get some rest. She wasn’t sure why she was so tired as she had just woken up but she still felt a bit out of place. Thoughts and memories kept playing with each blink. Stars but not like the ones above her. A face. Someone she loved dear but that face brought pain. They were gone? Yes that was right. The room was not as warm as she hoped. In fact the place looked downright wretched. Wrinkling her nose she turned and left before even looking to see if anyone was there. She would sleep in the pathway on a hillside before she stayed in that bar.

Heading out she tripped and an arm caught her. “Careful now.” She looked up into mulberry eyes and was captivated for a moment before righting herself and dusting herself off. “Ah sorry I’m feeling a bit off.” Well it was true enough. “Understandable. I know most faces here which means you are new.” It wasn’t a question so Luin wasn’t sure how to respond. “Yes.” She settled on. “Well if you want to sleep outside you can but really it would be better to wander about in the morning. This is the town of Silverlight you see and it’s quite lovely if I do say so myself. I didn’t name this one but I’m as fond of it as if I had.” Their arm slid under hers as though escorting her. “I’ll take you to a friend of mine. She’s a dour face but gentle heart I assure you. In the morning the folks of the town here will be able to get you sorted out to a living space and all the rest that comes with that as well.” The fur brushing hers was warm and made her heart flutter a bit. They smiled at her and she saw stars in their eyes but it was a warm kind of night stars that you spend watching with a friend. She liked that quite a lot as it helped to put her at ease. “Thank you. I’d like that. I’m Luin Olos Ithil Mallen.” The other just nodded. “Theris dear.” She knew that name but couldn’t remember why it made her a bit wary for a moment. “I’ll remember that.” Could she really trust this kitsu? They weren’t some kind of murder in disguise right? Well she wasn’t even sure how she got here even if she had fragmented thoughts and memories beyond her name. And they didn’t smell of blood or anything like that. It was odd. Still she decided she might as well try and trust them as she didn’t really have a choice. Here was hoping by the stars she wasn't about to be murdered tonight!

With that Luin was escorted to the home of a celestial she would be staying with for two weeks while her new home was built and she started to get a handle on things. It was at times very frustrating as she was trying to learn what she wanted to do here in this new land. She had a great love of herbs and the night sky but things like adventuring was quite frankly beyond her keen. She would have to find someone to go with her if she wanted to gather herbs. The problem was finding someone nice and reliable to go with her into such places. The kitsu she was staying with Artimisha had no good advice and wouldn’t direct her to anyone specific so she was going to have to go out into the world and find someone on her own. She had seen Theris several times but every time she had tried to catch the other kitsu she seemed to miss them and they just seemed to disappear around a corner every time she got close. Giving up on that avenue she turned toward traveling to market and finding someone there. She saw dancers and sellers of all kinds. Many fancy clothes and there were some kitsu who seemed like they were adventurous kitsu of a kind. Perfect! With her coarse set she headed toward the group to start her new venture.
Reward Amount
Small Rock 1
Silver 21