Submission (#114) Approved

8 June 2023, 16:24:59 CDT (1 year ago)
8 June 2023, 18:19:47 CDT (1 year ago) by Zakiax


Kaikias had been hearing a lot of chatter around town lately about a little livestock shop. She had never thought herself someone with an interest in raising animals, especially livestock, but when she saw someone else with their fyrehens, she was quickly won over. Who knew they came in so many different colours? It was simply astounding! The celestial kitsu assured herself that it wouldn't hurt to look into at the very least.

That was how she ended up at the Farm Song livestock shop. She stepped in with an air of caution, very unsure about the whole venture. The vibe immediately shifted when she was greeted by the lively terrestial that owed the shop. A bright smile adorned the brown kitsu's visage which perfectly matched her kind voice.

"Um, hello!" Kai answered, unable to help but smile back. "I wanted to look into raising a fyrehen of my own. I was hoping you could help me?"

The shopkeeper, Elizabeth as she introduced herself, was quick to assure her that she had come to just the right place and that she was more than willing to help her with everything she needed. The first order of business would be getting home and setting up a coop for the hens to stay in.

"Oh, yes, of course!" That seemed perfectly logical to Kai. Not that she could consider herself an expert by any means. If Elizabeth told her standing on her head would help, she'd probably be inclined to believe her.

So Kai escorted Elizabeth back to the back of her current residence. The terrestial confirmed that Kai had sufficient space for a coop and a hen, now it would just be a matter of setting it up.

It took a bit of time, and a lot of effort, but eventually the two kitsus managed to get the coop set up and functional.

"Thank you so much for your help, Miss Elizabeth!" Kai exclaimed graciously with a beaming smile. "I'll be sure to come back for all my fyrehen needs from now on!"


Reward Amount
Small Coop 1
Devrion's Token 1


Thumbnail for PC-055: Kaikias

PC-055: Kaikias

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Absolutiones's Bank

Currency Quantity