Submission (#1965) Approved

19 July 2023, 01:19:40 CDT (1 year ago)
19 July 2023, 06:35:01 CDT (1 year ago) by Reoakee
"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!"
Vervain zipped into the shop, flinging the door wide upon their entrance, to find it unsurprisingly, empty. They gave a nervous giggle and went back outside, more careful with the Farm Song's front door this time. They had been summoned by Elizabeth for help, (not /Summoned/, but almost possibly, not quite as, but still pretty important in their book) and had come as quick as they could manage. In their haste to arrive they had forgotten that Elizabeth would be /outside/ trying to rein in her scattered flock, and not inside waiting for them.
With a skip in their step, Vervain went around back of the livestock store and got a good look at the chaos. Fyrehens scattered here and there, squawking, flapping, hunting in the long grass, scratching for worms.
"Oh dear."
With a steadying breath, they got to it. First things first, part of the pen that had previously contained the fyrehens had fallen down, which had led to the big escape. Vervain propped it back up again and propped some large barrels on either side to keep it secure, just for now. They promised themself that they would stick around after all the hens were caught and help mend that, repaying Elizabeth in that way, but for now, they grabbed a spare net, and headed into the field.
"Elizabeth, I'm here! Let's corner them together!" The next couple of hours were spent running back and forth, chasing hens, netting them when possible. Herding them back towards the penned in area, and warding off pecking beaks and scratching claws when nabbing a hen, or tossing her back over the fence into the enclosed area.
There was much squawking and scattered feathers from the ordeal, mostly from the hens, but also from Vervain's own wings as well.
When it was all over and every last fyrehen was contained once more, Vervain plopped themself down in the dirt. "Whew, that was a workout." They grinned at Elizabeth, who was equally exhausted looking, then turned to the birds. "Naughty girls! You're lucky I'm not Infernal, or I would gobble you all up!"
Thumbnail for PC-121: Vervain Delalune

PC-121: Vervain Delalune

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