Submission (#4750) Approved

4 September 2023, 21:15:47 CDT (1 year ago)
5 September 2023, 16:02:37 CDT (1 year ago) by Zakiax
ORP Beach RP for Verdan-WC 1,374

Verdan walked out towards the area that he had gotten on the invitation. He looked around as he took a deep breath and tried to calm down from the long walk out here to the beach. He took in the nice salty air that was drifting off the ocean on the light breeze and smiled. He had come out a few days ago to see the beach with his little hens and his roo but he had not had others here with him just the birds. Looking around with a smile he thought the others here would be an interesting and fun time. He had not done much socialization with anyone except the nice Elizabeth that he got the birds from but he was excited to get to meet others here at the beautiful sea side. As he walked down to the edge he saw a nice looking dark looking kit running out to the waters edge and flop down in the wet sand. Seemed a weird thing to do but he walked out to the waters edge to at least see how he felt about the wet sand between his toes. He looked over and watched as another one was all but faceplanted into the waves and held back a chuckle, his eyes catching another not far away settling gently into the waves.

Looking over to the other who talked to him Verdan smiled and shrugged. "Not sure yet. Ive been here one other time with my hens but i did not try to go in before while alone. I was...not sure i knew how to swim...or float...or if i would just sink and never come up again. So i think standing here with my toes in the wet sand is a good start." he said with a smile as he looked down at his toes and wiggled them a little. "This is nice at least. I have not gotten to know anyone else before now." he said looking around, a little concerned for some of the others here...they looked a bit.....confused? Maybe confusing was a better word...
Verdan looked over the female and nodded as he thought about it and about the idea of sitting in the water. "Will i get washed out in the waves if i sit?" he asked as he startled at him not having his manners. "Oh im sorry. Im Verdan Blueseed and im happy to meet you Alsephina." He said as he moved forward and shook her hand. "Ok....just sit right..." he said softly as he wiggled his toes in the wet sand and then slowly sat down, shivering and gasping when the waves slowly moved forward over his legs.
Verdan watched the waves go back and forth and looked at Alsephina and was not sure he could find words. "Its....cold...and I'm still not sure how I feel about being wet like this. Also...sand..." he said as his fingers scooped up some wet sand and let it drop back into the waves with a small plop. "But I think I'm slowly getting used to it...maybe....I'll need a bath after today." He said with a nod.
Verdan looked out at the water and then at her. "Oh really? Will they not just swim away from us if we try to go look at them like when I try to look at the group of birds on land? How much deeper do we need to go to see them?" he asked as he curled his tail around his waist and then looked at her. "You can creat a shower at the river?" he asked back tracking on what she had said for a moment as it now just registered what she had said.
Verdan was not so sure he wanted to see the fish in the first. But listening to her talk about that he did wonder what it might look like. "Can you show me the fish?" He asked before she put on the display of magic. He gasped and watched before the water came back and Alsephina looked a little dazed. "Are you ok?" He asked gently taking her hand to make sure she didn't collapse or something.
"I do not want to leave you if you are unwell. I can wait till you feel better." He said squeezing her hand softly as he wiggled his toes in the water. "Even if your still learning that looked really good. More then I could do for sure." He said with a smile.
Verdan thought on this a moment as he wiggled his toes I to the sand. "I don't know what my magic is. Never put much thought into it cause I just....didn't want to know I think. I spend a lot of time with my fyrehens and that's about all I've done really. Have not met new anyone till you." He said with a smile.
Verdan shrugged a little. "I mean I don't know how to find out. And it never has come up to where I wanted to try. Maybe one day I'll look into learning it. Maybe ill stop by to learn my magic with you when i know what it is." He said as she said she would be ok going to see the fish. "OH ok yes." He said as he stood, still holding her hand, and helped her to her feet. "Please lead the way to the fish."
"Now nothing this close to the waters edge will bite or grab me will it?" he asked slightly nervously. He watched around his feet as they walked, splash splash, through the water towards where she was going to show him some little fish in the pretty sunlight. He held her hand happily cause it felt nice but also he did have small nervous thoughts of being pulled away from her and dry land when or if he let go of it. He found it comforting tho so didn't mind.
He gripped her hand a little more firmly as he tried not to be worried about the water. When she stopped he did too and he looked around for shadows. "Are they nice fish? Nothing out here will bite us right?" he asked softly as he kept an eye out for the fishy shadows.
Verdan smiled softly and looked over the little spot where she pointed at. "Ohhhh" he whispered. "They are pretty, what i can see." He said as he squinted a little at the swimming shadows and smiled. "Im glad they don't want to bite me at least. I don't want to be bit by things. That sounds scary." he said as he smiled at her. "Do you have a favorite fish?" he asked.
Verdan smiled and nodded as he looked over the water and smiled at how nice it all looked out here. "I do not think i want to go out that deep into the water then. Stories or not." he said with a look over at her. "Oh i wish i knew more about fish but i don't know them all very well but those pugfish were very cute." He thought a little. "I think that if there was something big and bright colored it would be my favorite." he said with a smile.
"Oh you have books! I like books and would love to get to look over the books and find a pretty fish! That sounds amazing!" he said with a smile as he looked over her. "Is it ok to hang out and look at books?" he asked as he smiled. "I wish i didn't live so far away from the beach cause im sure i would be here often to hang out with you. If your here often that is..." he asked feeling a slight blush.
"I do not mind meeting where ever you feel comfortable meeting at. I have my hens at my place and i could introduce you to them if you want. But the market square is nice to meet up too. I just...want to spend some more time...talking about fish?" he asked with a smile as he looked at their hands. "But maybe we can get lunch when we meet up in the market?" he asked blushing again a little bit.
Reward Amount
Grass 1
Small Rock 2
Silver 26
Thumbnail for PC-012: Verdan Blueseed

PC-012: Verdan Blueseed

No rewards set.