Submission (#5525) Approved

16 September 2023, 22:00:27 CDT (1 year ago)
16 September 2023, 22:59:54 CDT (1 year ago) by Zakiax
The beach had been fun, and she had even made a new friend which was nice, but Larkspur was so happy to be back home in her own space to recharge her social battery. She could tell her brother was happy to be home too, he was spending time with his livestock out back. She assumed he was telling them all about everything they had done while they had been gone. She had planned to make a snack for them but realized that she would need to run into town for a couple things first. With a dejected sigh she went to the back door and popped her head out. She gave a quick call to Calix that she was running out and would be back soon, and smiled when she got a reply telling her to have fun. She went back inside and out the front door. It wasn't a far walk but she was taking it at a leisurely pace so it took her a bit to reach town. She had enjoyed the quiet of the walk, until she heard a noise. Cocking her head she listened closely for the noise. Was she hearing things? No, there it was again. With a quizzical look she followed where she thought the noise had come from. With a surprised gasp she cooed seeing the little creature waddling around. It was a cute yellow duck with a red flowerlike thing on its red. And honestly it was the cutest thing she had ever seen in her life.
"Aw hello there little one." She murmured as she knelt down and held out a paw for the meloduckie. They gave her a once over and she assumed decided they liked her as they waddled over and gently tapped their beak to her paw. She couldn't resist another coo at the cuteness of them. Slowly she reached out to pick them up and grinned when they didn't fight or try to run. "You are so cute, do you wanna walk around town with me?" She asked with a giggle. The creature gave a quack for a response and she took that to be an affirmative. She was surprised when they arrived to find that there were even more of the duckies all around the town, one of the other Kitsu telling her that they council was encouraging everyone to help round them up and deal with the overrunning of the town.
Reward Amount
Meloduckie - Rosy 1
Candy 5
Thumbnail for PC-090: Larkspur

PC-090: Larkspur

No rewards set.