Submission (#624) Approved

27 June 2023, 11:34:55 CDT (1 year ago)
27 June 2023, 11:50:00 CDT (1 year ago) by Reoakee


"Nonono wait-!"

A fyrehen scurried past Kaikias's feet before she could even think to stop her. A frazzled looking Elizabeth followed right on the avian's tail. "Um, is everything alright?" Kai inquired with an awkward smile.

Elizabeth pressed a hand to her temple, watching the fyrehen slow to meandering through the store. "Well, as you can see one of my hens escaped and I'm having some trouble getting her back into the pen. Would you mind lending a paw? I promise I'll pay you back."

"Oh, uh, sure, just tell me what I need to do." Kaikias would have accepted even without the promise of a reward. If she saw another kitsu in distress, she felt it was her obligation to assist if she was able.

"This one is a real sassy one so she won't go willingly. If you approach from one side, I'll take the other and hopefully we'll be able to herd her back outside into the pen."

"Okay, got it." In theory, fyrehen herding sounded pretty easy. Kai, your inexperience is showing. The celestial kitsu had never been more wrong in her life. That she could remember of it anyway. Although she and Elizabeth were attempting to pincer the hen back outside, the fyrehen was a lot smarter than Kai had expected. Instead of running back outside like she was meant to, she ran further into the shop. This game of chase went on for several minutes before the two kitsus ran out of breath and had to stop for a break.

"This isn't working... What if we tried bribing her? Is she food motivated?" Kaikias asked.

Elizabeth thought for a moment. "You might be on to something there..." She procured what Kai could only assume was a treat and almost instantly they had the escapee's attention. Slowly and carefully, she led the fyrehen back out to the pen where she rightfully belonged.

"Thanks for the help today! I was so panicked I didn't even think of that."

Kaikias smiled gently. "No problem at all. You've been nothing but helpful for me so it's only right."


Reward Amount
Fyrehen - Hot Honey 1
Devrion's Token 1


Thumbnail for PC-055: Kaikias

PC-055: Kaikias

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Absolutiones's Bank

Currency Quantity