Submission (#9454) Approved

24 January 2024, 10:06:29 CST (8 months ago)
24 January 2024, 16:45:42 CST (8 months ago) by Zakiax
Calfuray has been enjoying the weather and everything that comes with it. Being young she doesn't feel the cold like the adults seem to once she's bundled it which surely has something to do with the way she runs around to see everything she can. She knew her mom was watching her, so she tried not to get too excited and get out of her line of sight but it was so hard. Finally she smelled baked goods and her mouth started watering as she bee-lined for that direction. The booth she stopped and and got in line for was one serving drinks with steam coming off of them when poured. She waited in line, bouncing on her heals as the line moved forward. Finally her turn she excited asked for a hot chocolate and thanked the Kitsu serving drinks before running off to find a place to sit while her mother finished paying.
Reward Amount
Silver 5
Devrion's Shard 1
Thumbnail for PC-180: Calfuray Botanica

PC-180: Calfuray Botanica

No rewards set.