[Story] An Anniversary Surprise
Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by SeimeiWhat a magical day it had been!
Glittery couldn't have thought of a better way to spend his and Aviary's anniversary together. The Summer Soiree had been so much fun, even if Glittery was really more of a home body. He had really enjoyed watching kitsu learn more about themselves and learn how to express it out loud.
The party was exciting and with getting to see not one, but two more gods. That made three gods and a messenger of the gods he had seen so far. How exciting! Glittery's mind was getting side tracked from the possibilities when he needed to focus.
After convincing Aviary she should go rest he had moved to the kitchen to make dinner. Not just any dinner but a brand new recipe he had found in an old book. He dropped the heavy book on the book stand and flipped it open to the page with the chosen recipe. "Spa ghet ti and meat balls, strange name for a dish really...well the meat balls part is pretty self explanatory, but Spa.....must be relaxing and special right?" Glittery said out loud before reading more. "Perfect for couples mixed breed couples who are very much in love." Glittery nodded. "Yep that's us for sure." He laughed before happily pulling all the ingredients he needed.
The meatballs weren't too hard but the pasta was indeed a problem but in the end he kind of made it work. He tasted it just to be sure, oh hey that taste pretty good. "Tasty!" He proclaimed before plating the dish in a big bowl for them to share. "Aviary dinner is ready my love!" Glittery called out wagging his tail happily for successfully making the recipe.
Aviary had peeked in a few times before dinner was called. The smell of garlic, onion, and tomato filled their living quarters. She couldn't help but smile. "Thanks Honey. This just smells amazing! Was this really in that old book?" Waiting for him to settle before taking a bite was difficult. Working the festival really works up an apetite. He passes her a napkin and nods "I thought that tome would be a useful pickup."
It wasn't long before they took their first bites. It was like magic.
Better than anything they've had before. The couple looked at each other with joy which turned to chatting and laughing into the evening.
Before long they found themselves strolling the moonlit streets of Silverlight. Holding hands and whispering sweet nothings as they stroll towards a public garden.
A noble figure walked through her home, past the neatly left flowers, and out to her balcony.
Eva was still dealing with the whirlwind of feelings from the past year. She was only helping with the arriving souls in hopes that she might see him but even that hope was beginning to fade. All other duties had slipped her mind or interest. Her sister wanted her to go to the soiree. 'It would be good for you! Get you outta that funk!' Eva can hear Gala's voice.
She leaned over the balcony watching.
Watching nothing.
The shadows move as the hours passed and the sun started to set.
Two figures bathed in starlite caught the Goddess's eye. Their actions showing not just attraction but tenderness. Love.
Aviary and Glittery appeared to dance as they wandered into the garden. The laughing and chatting turned softer. They looked deep into each other's star filled eyes and shared a tender kiss.
Eva found herself invested. She forgot her woe watching this familiar couple.
Glittery opened his hand to reveal a shimmering heart-shaped gem. He had been holding on to this treasure for a while now waiting for the right moment for this.
"Aviary.." He holds the stone up so it shines in the light. Her eyes widen "its beautiful Glittery."
Eva caught sight of the glittering stone. They have one! She was delighted and knew she had to do something.
The couple was exchanging smiles when a small sweet voice rings in their ears.
Take the stone and hold it together.
Feel your magic in your hands.
Feel the love you have for each other in your hearts.
Their hands joined around the stone.
The stone, filled with their magic, shone brilliantly.
The two were filled with pure bliss.
I have blessed this stone. Take this home and keep it safe.
The next morning was greeted with 4 brightly colored Orbs and a Joy filled couple.
Breedings have returned to the Kitsusagi World!
Be on the look out for an Eva's Heart Gemstone in Crescent Curios and check out this post here for rules.