NPC-051: Theris Tel'vie

Owned by Reoakee

mm? Now what's this you want to know about me? Well first congratulations for finding my information oh gazing soul. Yes I know you are there. After all I am a deity of this world not as important as my dear family many times but still a deity none the less. I am Theris Tel'vie the god of drama. I am the play between the kitsusagi themselves. The love the hate the friendship and apathy.  I revel in the flair of life and offer memory in the time of death. I don't hold power over my siblings domains but may help affect one's response to them. 

I enjoy the stage and literature of this world. More of it was written by or about me then you'll ever know. I love a good joke and pranksters are some of my favorite kitsu, blame my lover for that she influenced me far to much over the years. Even my siblings, now consider me a prankster though often misunderstand my exhaustive efforts to make them smile or even just come out and talk after all many of them are hermits or at least to much for my tastes. 

Good or evil? Neither. I'll gladly hug you and hold you close as well as gut you and leave you in the dirt. You see it depends on the area I am and those around me as I give so much to the world it affects me just as greatly. I train and keep dancers and the stage is always a home to me. Feel free and come to worship. Songs, dances and of course shiny offerings please me greatly. Who knows if you impress me enough I might just grant you a favor. Though many have called me an overbearing flirt most of the time few ever have truly worn themselves into my heart. 


Ah right. Welll don't tell Yama but I might have taken one of his precious caplets. To those who notice make sure to Dm Reoakee on discord saying "I see what you did there" you wil get a pat on the head for being so observant and nothing else. 


[Any writing having Theris should be run by/work with Reoakee before submission as this NPC hold specific interactions and words depending on situations. ]

mmm There may be a few kitsu I am keeping my eye on.  They showed courage to sing and it lightened my wife's heart her soriee.


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