PC-026: Odette Winddancer

Owned by Reoakee

Full of joy and cheer Odette likes to sing and dance and of course tell stories. She knows quite a few of the old songs about the times before which while likely are all fables and myths she still gladly spreads and sings of. If you pay her a silver she will gladly write a lymric or two for you. Though whether they are any good or not is more up to the ear of the listener then not.


"Sky above and ground beneath

No sense to weep in grind your teeth

Foot forward and song loud

Let the bardic heart be proud!

Flowers sway and wheat lays neat.

Sing along all with voices sweet~

Smiles and laughter fill the air

Market dancing with some flair!"

She can often be found in the market area dancing for silver and works well with a jelicle named Cerci. They can often be found having a meal togeter at an eatery at the end of the day. If not working with Cerci then Odette can often be found at the bar before heading home for the night and having drinks with those there. She often blushes if she is drinking with Theris though even she couldn't tell you why. 

At her home she has a small home that has been built for her with a chicken coop out behind it. She loves to watch her chickens and practice her singing as her home is far enough out of town to avoid a ruckus. Odette takes very good care of her dancing equipment and her body as it is how she survives. She will spend days in the market writing out poems if she doesn't feel physically up to dancing or singing. 

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