PC-061: Kip Lightfoot

Owned by HeavenlySnow

Job/Role: Con artist, thief

Partner: availability here, a partner could be just a partner in crime, a life partner, or even both. Partner in crime is open to any gender, but life partner is open to females. 

Hobbies and Habits: Has a habit of smoking special herbs. Hobby is tbd.

Home: He resides in the woods, his home isnt a grand one, but it is cozy. He sees it a work in progress that he works on in his free time. 

Personality Blurb: Kip is a rather charismatic fellow who enjoys plying fellow kitsu with honeyed words to get what he wants. He's not above playing another the fool, while distracting everyone with parlour tricks and slight of hands with his nimble fingers. However, he'll soon begin to build up quite the reputation but one thing he will be known for? He can find just about anything or anyone.

Prompt Response:
It seemed like just an ordinary day for Kip Lightfoot, having just swindled some poor kitsu out of their silver. He had a bounce in his step as he traveled down the road, making it seem as if he didn't just rob someone. Kip only ran if chased, otherwise he behaved as if was just any old citizen. A shout behind him caused him to turn his head towards the voice only to see the swindled kitsu hauling tail down the road after him.

"Tsk, and here I was hoping I got away with it this time. Looks like I need to skiddadle and quickly."

With that Kip secured his sachel and took off down the road, after a getting some distance and realizing this kitsu was persistent, Kip raced over a small bridge, ducked under a bush, doubling back and under the bridge before disappearing into a stand of trees. He paused in a hidden spot to see if he fooled the following kitsu a second time. They finally "caught" up, only to slow down at the bridge. Kip watched them look around, panting, then over the sides of the bridge. They stood there, paws on hips and looking thoroughly pissed but bewildered by his disappearing act. Eventually, the kitsu threw their paws up and made a disgruntled sound before returning from the direction they had come. Kip slipped deeper into the woods and found a spot to plop down so he could count the coins he'd knicked today. Maybe he'd be able to buy something to fill his belly for the night instead of rummaging in the woods.

One would ask why he didn't just find honest work or create a legal business to earn an income. Kip was a wandering soul who, let's be honest, preferred being a conman to honest work. The life style didn't suit him and he spoke from experience. No, tricking others was where his heart was, despite being told he would have made a good detective, if he ever wanted to put his talents to use for the good instead of criminal. It was a nagging thought that someone put into his head that he found himself mulling over before shaking his head and just telling himself to get a pet instead.

After counting his coin and deciding he had enough for a hot meal, Kip tucked the silver away and hoisted his bag over his shoulder. He oriented himself and headed towards town and hopefully a decent eating joint that maybe didn't recognize him.

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