
<a href=" Coop" class="display-item">Small Coop</a>

Small Coop

Category: Structures

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 30 Silver


A cozy place to raise Fowl.

Each Kitsu may only own one coop....for now.

Can Raise up to 5 fowl with this item.

Needed to own Fyrefowl,  Meloduckies

Needs to be added to a specific kitsusagi's inventory to raise fowl and recieve thier drops


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pen" class="display-item">Large Pen</a>

Large Pen

Category: Structures

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 50 Silver


A large pen used to graze larger farm animals.

Each Kitsu may only own one Large pen....For now.

Needed to Raise: Lallabaa

Needs to be added to a specific kitsusagi's inventory, needed to own Lallabaa and produce wool.



Farm Song

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Barn" class="display-item">Small Barn</a>

Small Barn

Category: Structures

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 50 Silver



A small barn used to shelter larger farm animals.

Each Kitsu may only own one small barn....For now.

Can raise up to 5 larger animals with this item.

Needed to own: Lallabaa

Needs to be added to a specific kitsusagi's inventory, needed to own Lallabaa and produce wool.



Farm Song

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pond" class="display-item">Small Pond</a>

Small Pond

Category: Structures


This small pond is an add on to the small coop and allows the kitsu to raise waterfowl.

Each Kitsu may only own one small pond….for now

Needed to Raise: Meloduckies

Needs to be added to a specific kitsusagi's inventory, needed to own Meloduckies and produce drops.


Purchaseable At:

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