Item Categories


All known items that are considered wearable clothing.


The items are  used in cooking.


These items are full meals creating from food items. Meals will always have a ration count, as well as how to make them associated with their item description, however some may also have aditional effects.


All items that are considerd crafting materials in the realm.

(Crafting will be implemented in the future)


Characters can own items in this category!

These are items that are needed to raise livestock or are dropped from livestock.


These are all general items that can be easily gathered around Silverlight.

<a href="" class="display-category">Livestock</a>


Characters can own items in this category, as well as name them!


Kids and orbs cannot own and collect from livetock. IC they can help and learn the ropes from adults but they cannot own livestock of their own till they are adults.

Naming Instructions: To name these, click on the image of the livestock in your kitsu's inventory. A box will pop up. Click on the check box, and then select the drop box "Name Item" another box will drop down with easy instructions. Type your name in the slot and then hit submit.

Transfering livestock: To transfer livestock to a character click on the item in your inventory. A box will pop up then click on transfer item to character. This will allow you to assign livestock to an owner.

<a href="" class="display-category">Pets</a>


Characters can own items in this category, as well as name them!


Naming Instructions: To name these, click on the image of the pet in your kitsu's inventory. A box will pop up. Click on the check box, and then select the drop box "Name Item" another box will drop down with easy instructions. Type your name in the slot and then hit submit.

Transfering livestock: To transfer a pet to a character click on the item in your inventory. A box will pop up then click on transfer item to character. This will allow you to assign a pet to an owner.

<a href=" Items" class="display-category">Special Items</a>

Special Items

These are all specialty items that are a rarity in the realm. 


Characters can own items in this category!

Items that might be collected by kitsusagi.

Can be crafted or found in the world.

10 results found.