

Terrestrial (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Earthborn, Tundra, Bobtail, Fauna, Corgi, Pom, Lop-Earred, Normal, Wisp​


About: Woven from the essences of the most common breeds, Terrestrials find themselves to be comfortable in a wide range of temperatures and environs. When it comes to friends and family they are very close knit and are often friendly to strangers. When living in areas where other breeds are more prominent they are likely to take on their values and fit in very well.


Average Height: 5'2" - 5'6"

Average Lifespan: 75 - 90 years

Diet: Omnivorous, Heavier on grains and vegetables

Primary Element: Earth


Preferred Environment: Temperate climates, grasslands, open forests, and even snowy mountainsides appeal to these Kitsusagi.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Terrestrial Kitsusagi in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Forestry.

Terrestial Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Plush Fur  Many Terrestrials have plush fur that can protect them from certain types of brush and the harsh cold.

Green Thumbs Plant care comes naturally to Terrestrials. Their produce is often more flavorful and larger, flower gardens more colorful and fragrant, and herbs more potent.


Celestial (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Winged Ones, Angelic, Seraphiim, Cherub, Luck, Tenku​


About: The most common flying breed of Kitsusagi takes to the sky on feathery wings. Even though they have been changed by being rewoven by the Gods, they still sometimes find themselves at odds with the Infernal Kitsusagi. Celestials tend to put their Community first when making major decisions. Religious beliefs, be it personal or familial, often guide their hearts and minds.


Average Height: 4'9" - 5'4"

Average Lifespan: 80 - 90 years

Diet: Omnivorous: Primarily Fruit, Grains, Veggies, and Fish

Primary Element: Spirit - Light


Preferred Environment: Celestials tend to be happiest near bodies of water and open plains. Temperate to Tropical. They aren't into snow and ice but some will tough it out in those areas in which winter's claws dig in for a short time a year.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Celestial Kitsusagi in Education, Government, and Health positions.

Celestial Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Natural Flight Celestials can soar through the air with no real training. If they don't have physical wings, they will produce wings of light to fly with instead.

Healing Touch Celestials can naturally heal themselves and others with just a simple touch. This is usually just enough to stabilize someone or stop wounds from bleeding.


Infernal (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Nightmare, Trick, Imp, Winter, Frost​


About: The Gods hesitated to bring back such dark and devious Kitsusagi to the tapestry of the world. It was deemed that some softer breeds would be woven together with them. They still have the reputation of being manipulative or selfish but whether that's true is really up to the individual. Infernals tend to put themselves and their immediate family first.



Average Height: 5'4" - 5'9"

Average Lifespan: 75 - 90 Years

Diet: Omnivorous: Heavier on Meat than some of the other breeds.

Primary Element: Spirit - Dark


Preferred Environment: Infernals tend to favor warmer climates. They will typically avoid places with long cold periods. Tropical and Warm Desert climates are where they feel the most comfortable.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Infernal Kitsusagi in Law, Security, and Military positions.

Infernal Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Displacement Infernals can create an illusion of themself out of smoke and shadows close to their location. Will dissipate if touched or further than 100 feet away from their summoner. Cannot attack.

Quiet Steps Masters of Sneaking, where others would have to intentionally muffle their steps, Infernals do this without thinking.


Imperial (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Kirin, Uni, Elkthorn​


About: Some of the hardiest breeds were woven together to make the Imperial. They have the reputation of being tenacious and wise. Collectors by nature, they tend to find something they are interested in and keep it safe. Sometimes it will be objects with no value except to the Imperial that collected them. They take pride in their family lines and are also very welcome to outsiders.


Average Height: 5'5"- 6'

Average Lifespan: 85 -100 years

Diet: Omnivorous: A good mix of everything, even foods other breeds may consider unusual

Primary Element: Fire


Preferred Environment: Imperials tend to favor hills, valleys, rocky terrain, and mountains. They seem unbothered by most climates but tend to avoid the desert.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Imperial Kitsusagi in Education, Business, and Craftsmen positions.

Imperial Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Specialized Knowledge Once an Imperial finds a topic they like, they easily become subject matter experts and continue to gather and produce knowledge on the subject.

Natural Armor Imperials are born equipped with a layer of natural armor which makes them slightly sturdier than others. They also tend to have higher pain tolerance than most.


Jellicle (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Fae, Wyvern, Eclipsei, Fallen, Flarei, Pixie, Sylph​


About: Woven from the breeds with the highest potential for magic, the Jellicle have the widest range for variation in their looks. Even if they don't have true wings, all Jellicle can float at will. In general, Jellicle are known for their jokes and tricks.


Average Height: 4'8"- 5'3"

Average Lifespan: 95 -110 years

Diet: Omnivorous: Favoring Sweets, Fruits, Mushrooms, and Veggies

Primary Element: Air


Preferred Environment: Jellicle are drawn to overgrown or old growth forests. You might also find them at the foot of mountains or in caverns. They love places with spaces for hiding and playing.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Jellicle Kitsusagi in Arts, Hospitality, and Forestry positions.

Jellicle Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Floating on Air Jellicle float naturally with their innate magic.

Charming Personality Most Jellicle have a way about them. A natural allure or draw to them.


Nautical (Kitsusagi Subtype)

AKA Mer, Aquatic

About: These water loving kitsu were rewoven with being semi-aquatic in mind. Far off are the days of being fully aquatic but they can stay an extended time underwater and in the water in general. They are just as comfortable on the water as in it.


Average Height: 5'0" - 5'5"

Average Lifespan: 75 - 90 Years

Diet: Omnivorous: Primarily Fruit, Grains, Veggies, and Seafood of all types.

Primary Element: Water


Preferred Environment: They prefer to live along waterways of all sorts or on platforms out in the water.


Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Nautical Kitsusagi in Transportation, Business, and Communication positions.

Natutical Traits:

Needed Traits:

Optional Traits:


Breed Abilities

Deep Diver Nauticals can not only swim well but they can hold their breath for up to an hour without aid.

Chill Born Nauticals have a natural resistance to cold temperatures. This allows them to live in snow covered areas and swim in icy waters.


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