Terrestrial (Kitsusagi Subtype)
AKA Earthborn, Tundra, Bobtail, Fauna, Corgi, Pom, Lop-Earred, Normal, Wisp
About: Woven from the essences of the most common breeds, Terrestrials find themselves to be comfortable in a wide range of temperatures and environs. When it comes to friends and family they are very close knit and are often friendly to strangers. When living in areas where other breeds are more prominent they are likely to take on their values and fit in very well.
Average Height: 5'2" - 5'6"
Average Lifespan: 75 - 90 years
Diet: Omnivorous, Heavier on grains and vegetables
Primary Element: Earth
Preferred Environment: Temperate climates, grasslands, open forests, and even snowy mountainsides appeal to these Kitsusagi.
Preferred Jobs: Most commonly you will find Terrestrial Kitsusagi in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Forestry.
Terrestial Traits:
Needed Traits:
- Ears:
Half Up Ears - Common
Pointed Ears - Common
Lop Ears - Common
Megalop Ears - Uncommon - Long Cheek Fluff - Common
- Multiple Tails:
Multiple Bobbed Tails - Common
Multiple Long Tails - Common
Mega Multitail - Uncommon
Optional Traits:
- Extra Fluff - Uncommon
- Bald - Uncommon
- Unique Arm Pose - Common
- Butterfly Wings - Mythic
- Mutant - Mythic
- Unique Pose - Legendary
- Hybrid - Rare
- Chest Fluff - Uncommon
Breed Abilities
Plush Fur Many Terrestrials have plush fur that can protect them from certain types of brush and the harsh cold.
Green Thumbs Plant care comes naturally to Terrestrials. Their produce is often more flavorful and larger, flower gardens more colorful and fragrant, and herbs more potent.